
To contribute to pytest-selenium you can use Hatch to manage a python virtual environment and pre-commit to help you with styling and formatting.

To setup the virtual environment and pre-commit, run:

$ hatch -e test run pre-commit install

If you’re not using Hatch, to install pre-commit, run:

$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install

Automated Testing

All pull requests and merges are tested in GitHub Actions based on the workflows defined in .github/workflows.

Running Tests

You will need Tox installed to run the tests against the supported Python versions. If you’re using Hatch it will be installed for you.

With Hatch, run:

$ hatch -e test run tox

Otherwise, to install and run, do:

$ pip install tox
$ tox


The tests requires that Docker is available and uses the Selenium/Seleniarm containerized browsers and drivers.

Read more here: Docker-Seleniarm

To start the browsers (and drivers):

$ docker/start

You can check status by running:

$ docker ps

To stop the containers, run:

$ docker/start down

Releasing a new version

Follow these steps to release a new version of the project:

  1. Update your local master with the upstream master (git pull --rebase upstream master)
  2. Create a new branch and update news.rst with the new version, today’s date, and all changes/new features
  3. Commit and push the new branch and then create a new pull request
  4. Wait for tests and reviews and then merge the branch
  5. Once merged, update your local master again (git pull --rebase upstream master)
  6. Tag the release with the new release version (git tag <new tag>)
  7. Push the tag (git push upstream --tags)
  8. Done. You can monitor the progress on Travis